"The bold and magical girl of the rarified atmosphere, the one who flew here like a lightning strike in the east and whose brilliance ran to the edges of the earth, the one who tread the Pacific Ocean’s billows, whose royal eyes are adorned by dark clouds and whose dwelling twirls night and day on the fringes of the wind.”
This beautiful moʻolelo of Keaomelemele is the inspiration for this collection. Translated by Mary Kawena Pukui from the story by Moses Manu.
Keaomelemele lived in the mythical land of Kealohilani, the revolving house in the heavens. She is the beautiful daughter of Ku and Hinawelelani. Reared by her ancestress, Moʻoinanea. It was because of Keaomelemele that the great mountain, Konahuanui was shook, separating it from Waolani.